Search Results for "innovative software"


Finding The Ideal OS For Your Business

Most businesses look for an operating system (OS) that accommodates their budget, and increases productivity and workflow. Choosing the right OS for your organisation requires careful consideration as to what will suit your budget and the type of company you run. Here are five points to consider when upgrading or […]


Streamlined Web Browsing With Genieo

Genieo is a new software program that simplifies the way you access your favourite feeds and sites on the Internet. This software comes with a customized startpage that replaces your traditional homepage and showcases your favourite sites and news feeds. You startpage is completely personalized to your preferences and includes news from […]

Internet Services

Google Reader Alternatives

The internet has a nearly unlimited of webpages and information and it is a difficult task to browse through all of the content to find relevant stories and news updates. Searching website after website takes a lot of time which many people simply do not have no matter if you are […]

Mobile devices

2013: The Year of The Smartphone

Samsung and Apple stand toe to toe in a fight to dominate the mobile market. Apple revolutionized the cell phone industry when it released iPhone, a “smartphone” capable of far more than phone calls and text messages. Samsung has adopted some of Apple’s innovations and added a few of their […]

Business Marketing

Strategies to Grow Your Business

For a business to be competitive in its niche it needs to grow continuously. A rapidly improving and changing market ignores companies that quickly stagnate. It is not a good idea to grow your business without a plan or to grow it fast using the wrong strategies, however. Rather, it […]


How to Develop a Successful iOS Application

How to make a successful iOS application? In order to answer this question, it is imperative to define the word "successful" first. A successful app is the one that is engaging, useful and serves its purpose reasonably well. A successful iOS app also has certain mandatory ingredients, which significantly contribute […]