Search Results for "designate"

Small business

Safety Tips in the Catering Business

Those in the restaurant and catering business understand the frustrations and challenges of succeeding or even failing within their industry. The difficulties and situations a caterer faces really come down to making their customers happy. In the midst of all this hustle and bustle of preparing food, catering an event […]


Back To School Carpooling

With the start of the school year, parents have one more commitment they have to do for the next 8-9 months. It’s taking their kids to school every day, which means long rides in the carpool lane, most likely in an SUV or a minivan, which can be quite a […]


How to Organize Your Kitchen for Easy Cooking

With the hectic and fast paced lives that most people lead today, it is important to have a well-organized kitchen to avoid clutter. If you have difficulty finding various ingredients in your pantry and fridge as you prepare your meals every day or your kitchen looks messy, here are some […]


Characteristics of a Successful Top Chef

The format for the hit television show Top Chef involves chefs competing against the clock and each other to create award-winning dishes that meet certain requirements. This is a dramatic, yet somewhat realistic, representation of the roles and responsibilities of a real-life top chef. If you think you want to […]


Business Card Trends in 2013

Given the pace of technological advancement and the evolved nature of remote communication techniques, it would be easy to assume that the traditional business card is no longer a corporate necessity. This would be an inaccurate perception, however, as while the traditional business card format may be redundant the concept […]

Green tech Technology

How Solar Cells Are Manufactured

We are now in an era where there is great emphasis on limiting the carbon footprint whenever possible, and anything considered eco-friendly is ideally preferred compared to its predecessor. A big focus on reducing the carbon footprint lies within the energy industry. A big sign that governments and energy companies […]

Web design

Effective Web Design Principles

Being the owner of a successful company website is not a difficult task. The key to having a website that receives multiple views every hour is discovering more about your target audience. You need to learn how your customers think, what questions they have about your products or services, and […]