Search Results for "consumed"


Tips to Stay Fit During the Holiday Season

Holiday season is fast approaching, are you ready for it? Christmas, New Year's, and all the holidays in between are fun and most likely, it involves a lot of eating and drinking. And most people decide to forget about their diet during these days. They do not want to appear […]

plant pot

It Starts With A Pot

This is a campaign launched in the summer of 2014 in the UK called “It Starts With A Pot” which encouraged residents to start growing their own veg, herbs and encouraging wildlife into their garden. It was an important campaign that had a strong message, all of these amazing things […]

Other stories

The Health Benefits for Hearth of White Wine One of the questions we usually ask ourselves when choosing between wines is what benefits do we have from choosing white over red wine? Is the wine, particularly the white, good for the heart and overall health? And rightfully so, drinking wine […]


The Dangers of Calcium Deficiency

When we think about disease or illness, it's often things like cancers and other large-scale diseases that hog the limelight. The fact remains that there are less publicised but still important diseases like calcium related diseases, which can greatly reduce one's overall quality of life. Calcium is an essential component […]