Search Results for "validate"


The Prospering Arms Industry

The Stockholm Institute for Peace Research’s, also known as SIPRI, Yearbook summarizes in 2013 the global sales of arms and military services of the 100 biggest companies of arms and military equipment for 2011. The amount of sales of these one hundred companies was 465.770 million in 2011, versus 411 […]


How to Use Calibration Technology Effectively

Starting a system from nothing requires good organization and long-term planning. A calibration system is complex enough to begin with, so the less complicated the system, the simpler it will be to maintain. Maintenance is the key to a satisfactory calibration system. To begin, you will need to take control […]


Insightful Tips For Successful Investments

Investing is exciting but tricky, with a high margin of error and no guaranteed pay-off. You can’t jump in with both feet unless you’ve spent time researching just how the big players successfully invest. Once you’re armed with smart techniques, you greatly increase your chances of making money over a […]


Can Water Be Effected By Human Consciousness?

People interested in New Age spirituality and alternative medicines are excited by Dr Masaru Emoto's experiments on the intentional effects on water crystallisation. These first gained wide-spread public exposure in the controversial film/documentary, "What the Bleep do We Know?!" Dr Emoto's experiments: The hypothesis is that the molecular structure of […]