Search Results for "basement"

Urbis Building, Manchester, home of the National Football Museum
Travel and living

Manchester’s Top Attractions

After London, Manchester is one of the most visited cities in Britain, and with good reason. While its name often conjures images of a tough industrial past, modern-day Manchester is a vibrant, cosmopolitan destination with many attractions that highlight its unique heritage and culture. Whether you're a fan of history, […]


The World’s Most Expensive Parking Spaces

It was recently revealed that an underground parking space near to the Royal Albert Hall had gone onto the open market for a staggering £275,000 – that's ten times the average annual salary in the UK. But this isn't the first piece of parking real estate that's come with a […]


Ways to Organize Odds and Ends

Closets, garages and storage bins can help you create an organized living space, keeping infrequently used items out-of-sight until you need them. But you may still find yourself struggling to find a home for clutter that accumulates over time. Putting everything in clear, labeled plastic bins isn’t practical with oddly […]

CSS Technology

How CSS inheritance affects the HTML tags output

Inheritance is the basement of the CSS structures. Elements’ properties can actually inherit the values from the dominant HTML tags unless you specify a different value for a child element (i.e. <h1 style=”font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:13px; font-weight:normal;”>….</h1> has a style defined inside the h1 tag, a so-called child element). If […]