
What Should Every Press Release Include?

A well-written press release can be a powerful tool. It is often used for announcing crucial and time-sensitive information about businesses to the media and the public. Include everything needed to make sure the public can read the press release and know what is happening or changing.

Heading and Logo

The heading of your press release should include a clear and attention-grabbing title that summarizes the news or announcement. It should be centered and in bold to stand out. Use atemplate for a press release to make sure the formatting is correct.

Release Date

Immediately below the logo or heading, include the release date of the press release. This helps journalists and readers understand the timeliness of the information being presented.

Contact Information

Include contact information for a spokesperson or media relations representative. They should be able to answer questions related to the press release. Include their name as well as various ways for the public to contact them if needed.


The dateline consists of the city and state (or city and country for international releases) where the press release originates. It is typically placed at the beginning of the first paragraph and helps indicate the location of the news.

Lead Paragraph

The first paragraph should provide an overview of the most important information. Ideally, the lead should answer the key questions within the first few sentences.

Supporting Details

Following the lead paragraph, provide more details that elaborate on the news or announcement. Include relevant facts, figures, quotes from key stakeholders, and additional context that adds depth to the story.


Incorporate quotes from key individuals involved in the news or announcement, such as executives, experts, or stakeholders. Quotes provide a human element to the press release and can offer insights, opinions, or emotions that complement the factual information. All press releases should have at least one or two quotes included in them.

Background Information

If the news requires context or background information, include a separate section that provides relevant details. This can help readers better understand the significance of the announcement. Keep this section concise and focused on the most relevant information.

About the Company/Organization

Include a brief paragraph that introduces the company or organization behind the news. This provides context for readers who may not be familiar with your brand. Highlight key information such as the company’s mission, history, and notable achievements.

Multimedia Elements

Incorporate multimedia elements such as images, videos, or infographics that visually support the news. Visual content can enhance the press release’s appeal and make it more shareable on various platforms. Provide captions and credits for any media used.

Call to Action (CTA)

Include a CTA that guides readers on the next steps they should take after reading the press release. This could include visiting your website, attending an event, signing up for updates, or contacting your organization for more information.

End of Release Indicator

Indicate the end of the press release with either “###” or “-30-” centered at the bottom of the page. This is a traditional notation that signals to journalists that there is no additional content following this point.

Additional Pages Indicator

If your press release extends beyond one page, include “###” at the bottom of each page except the last one. This lets journalists know that there are more pages to the release.

Company Boilerplate

At the end of the press release, include a brief boilerplate that provides essential information about your organization. This can include details about your company’s history, mission, products or services, and contact information. Keep it concise and focused on key points.

Additional Information and Resources

If you have additional resources related to the news, such as reports, studies, or relevant articles, consider including a section that provides links to these resources. This can add value to the press release and offer readers the opportunity to delve deeper into the topic.

Distribution Details

Include information about where the press release will be distributed, such as the newswire service or distribution platforms. This transparency can help journalists verify the authenticity of the press release.

Embargo Information

Sometimes, a press release shouldn’t be published immediately, but it’s still necessary to get the information to the news so it can be released at the right time. If the press release is under embargo until a certain date and time, clearly indicate this information at the top of the release. An embargo signifies that journalists should not publish the news until the specified time.

Proofreading and Editing

Before finalizing your press release, thoroughly proofread and edit the content for grammar, punctuation, and accuracy. A well-written and error-free press release reflects positively on your organization’s professionalism.

Additional Tips

Keep the following in mind when writing a press release.

  • Keep It Concise. Press releases should be concise and to the point. Aim for one to two pages, and avoid unnecessary elaboration.
  • Use Associated Press (AP) Style. Follow AP style guidelines for grammar, punctuation, and formatting to ensure professionalism and consistency.
  • Avoid Hype and Exaggeration. Be truthful and objective in your press release. Avoid hyperbole, exaggeration, or overly promotional language.
  • Proofread and Edit. Carefully proofread your press release to eliminate errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. A well-edited document reflects professionalism.
  • Know Your Audience. Tailor your press release to the interests and needs of your target audience and the media outlets you’re reaching out to.
  • Timing Matters. Consider the timing of your press release. Ensure it’s sent out at a time that maximizes its impact and relevance.
  • After crafting your press release, choose appropriate distribution channels, such as press release distribution services, email, or direct outreach to journalists.
  • Track Results. Use analytics and tracking tools to monitor the performance of your press release. This can help you assess its reach and impact.

A well-structured press release includes essential elements that effectively convey your news, event, or announcement to the media and the public. By including these components and maintaining a clear and concise writing style, you can create a press release that captures attention, provides relevant information, and generates interest in your story.

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