
The Role of Essay Writing in Global Education

An essay is probably the most underestimated assignment in the academic world. Many people think of essay writing as a simple task where you ‘tell a story’. But, every student in the world knows the truth about essay writing – nothing about it is simple.

Writing essays has many benefits for the development of the student, which is why teachers and professors give out a myriad of written assignments. The fact is – essays are one of the few things that are common for students of all ages, all academic levels and basically, every single educational institution on a worldwide level.

Essay writing is a task of every student in the world.

Knowing this, it is no wonder why writing assignments are a dreaded task among many students. This is the exact reason why they pick writing services to write the essay for them, all with the goal to achieve high academic success. The fear of failing to finish an assignment well is one of the top reasons for ordering papers online.

Importance of Writing Essays

When a person is writing an essay, they are not only developing the writing skills. Essay writing requires a lot of research, careful planning, and organization of ideas, as well as developed writing skills that will help the student convey their idea to an audience.

Experts often say that writing skills are best developed with practice. The more you write, the better you can become in expressing yourself. And this applies not only to the written word, but to oral communication form, too.

Therefore, it is crucial for every student to grasp the essay writing experience. Here are some of the reasons why essay writing has become the core of global education:

1. Embedment of Information

Have you ever wondered why some students learn better when they write things down? Many psychologists say that the written word helps people embed facts and figures received by other sources such as a lecture or conversation with another person.


This is why note-taking is so popular in the first place. The sole process of writing things down helps you remember them faster, and reading what you have written stays in the brain much longer.

2. Intelligence Stimulation

Essay writing helps students stimulate their intelligence. The more they write, the better they can develop intellectually.

As you probably know already, writing is a great memory exercise. However, in addition to this, essay writing helps students develop their writing skills for further writing. After all, writing does not end when you get the diploma.

After students finish their education, they start using the skills they have developed to get a job, send out e-mails, and communicate with other people. Writing skills are basically important in every field you choose to pursue.

3. Academic Performance

Because of the importance essay writing has in the life of a student, professors place academic writing onto the pedestal for academic performance. This is why students are assigned so many papers during their education – to develop their research and writing skills, learn how to analyze and think more critically, and gauge for academic score.

4. Critical Thinking

The writing task involves a great deal of critical thinking. Critical thinking is what moves students and challenges them to use arguments to convince someone of their point of view. Without this skill, they cannot develop their points or affect others.


By referencing texts, organizing the research, and choosing the best writing strategy, students gain a variety of perspectives other than their own. By doing research, they learn more about the topic, which makes the entire writing process much easier.

5. Higher Level of Understanding

Whether you are writing about sociology, history, or medieval literature, your task is to demonstrate a certain amount of understanding and knowledge. Essays serve for exactly this reason – to test a student’s knowledge and assess their analyses.

Reading about a topic and writing based on the research helps students understand the material better. During the writing process, a person often draws different conclusions and perspective from the ones they had at the beginning, which leads to higher level of understanding.

6. Organizational Skills

An excellent essay comes in the form of organized and structured writing. In order to get high grades, students from all around the world try to use the same structure to organize the specific type of essay a professor assigns, which can do wonders for the organizational skills in general.

By writing, students learn to distinguish between the relevant and irrelevant. Most importantly, they get higher clarity of thought.

These are only a few of the many reasons why essays carry so much importance in the academic world. Even though essay writing services can prove beneficial when students are pressed by the time and face a high volume of tasks to complete, the genuine academic writing was and remains one of the best tools for developing a variety of skills students will use throughout their entire life.

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