
Exam Preparations Impact on Future Job Opportunities

Millions of students are graduating from secondary, tertiary and higher education facilities across the country in the hope that they will gain employment. In the current climate, students are well aware that there is stiff competition among job seekers and as a result, students are looking towards TAFE courses as a way to stand out from the crowd.

From September onwards in Australia, students will be heads down into their studies in the hope that they will achieve grading goals that will create opportunities for them to join the workforce. With only their grades and personality to judge them on and over 200,000 graduates each year entering the workforce, the competition to secure a job successfully is a fear that most graduates struggle to overcome. When the grading score is all you have to pitch yourself to your future employer, students cannot take any chances that will jeopardise their long-term future with their desired job prospects.


The only way students can overcome this challenge is by achieving strong grades. To achieve strong grades, students must know both their individual learning process and the expectation to deliver to the person marking the exams. With this in mind, students need to be aware of the following.

The path to your academic success

It all begins with the studying strategy that gets the qualification. Students must know their goals not only during their term of study, but how it will impact or create opportunities for them beyond graduation. The course and its impacts will last them across the course of their working career of thirty years or more. Students are likely to continue specializing in their chosen field of expertise as their career goes on. The earlier they can identify and prepare themselves for the specialist expertise that is required, the greater employment and remuneration opportunities will open up to them.


Employers may seek out this information from their diplomas, degrees or academic transcripts. Additionally, any working experience related to the field of expertise will improve their attractiveness to potential employers.

Furthermore, students must keep in mind that they won't be entitled to a job. They are entitled to solving a problem or adding value to an organisation. Their skills will add value by helping the organisation to improve revenue and profits, operations or the business profile. By aligning their study goals with employers objectives. The strategy towards studying can help with both academic and employment success over the long term.

Choosing a career that suits their strengths

Many students feel that they have to choose a career that is known to pay well, even if they don't have the skills, or they struggle to adapt to this industry. Parents will often push their children to get into high paying secure jobs such as doctors, lawyers, accountants and bankers. While these are well paid and very respectable jobs, there are only a certain amount of positions available. This shouldn't serve as a deterrent to those who want to achieve their qualifications in these fields. However, if they naturally possess a skill to become an expert in another field such as chemistry, engineering, mechanics, building or electrics for example, there is still an opportunity to become an expert in those fields and to do very well financially over the course of their career both in employment and potentially in another organisation structure such as contracting, sub-contracting, licensing or franchising.

Knowing your learning and study methods

To maximize their learning and academic potential, they must know their best method of study. Three of these methods include:

  1. Aural & verbal learning - where students grasp knowledge through listening and speaking. The majority of courses are taught with this method.
  2. Visual learning - Where students grasp knowledge through the use of visuals.
  3. Physical learning - Where students grasp learning through physical application.

Knowing the expectations of their tutor or teacher

Study-Counselling-in-PerthIf they want to get the best marks for their courses, they must learn to understand the marking habits of teachers and tutors. Conduct research by revising previous exams and asking for clear, concise direction on where to put energies into your studies that will yield the results that you are looking for.

Students will only get one real chance to pitch themselves for their job prospects following the graduation of their course and exams. The door can be closed easily on those who do not meet the qualification standards that's required by employers. Should students take the actions that will guarantee an increase in their exam performance, the long-term outlook for their employment should shine brightly. Exam preparation and performance shouldn't be underestimated. Rather, it should be serving as a lever for boosting career opportunities.

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