Compare and contrast essay is one of the most common types of essay writing which is usually taught in schools and colleges to identify similarities and dissimilarities between two things. There are several elements that you will have to look at while writing this type of essay and avoidance to those essential elements may create flaws and gaps in it. Following is the beginner's guide which will assist you in composing an extraordinary compare and contrast essay easily.
1. Picking Up A Topic:
The very first thing that requires your attention before you start writing your compare and contrast essay is its topic. You will have to be very careful while picking a topic for it because it must have both, similarities and dissimilarities, in it. Choosing a topic having only common things or uncommon things would be bad call.
2. List Down The Similarities And Dissimilarities:
Once you have picked up an appropriate topic for your compare and contrast essay, now is the time to make a list of things that are common and uncommon among the objects that you have taken as your essay's topic.
However, do not try to start making both lists at a time. A simpler way to do it is to make list of similar things at first and then the dissimilar things. Listing them down will help you remember and explain both parts of the essay, compare and contrast, efficiently.
3. Which Part To Support:
After making list of the similar and dissimilar things, now you will have to decide which one you want to support in your compare and contrast essay. According to professional writers, one should go with the part that he thinks can support easily. Therefore, you should decide by determining which part is easier for you to uphold.
4. Write Strong Thesis Statement:
Another important thing that you must pay attention to while writing compare and contrast essay is to write a powerful thesis statement for it. In your thesis statement, you will have to mention the important things of your topic which will help your audience know what you have discussed in your essay. Also, it can help you gain their interest and attention too.
5. Draft Essay's Outline:
Last thing that you will have to do is to draft outline for writing your compare and contrast essay. A basic outline of essay is comprised of the following three things.
a) Introduction:
Introduction is the opening paragraph that gives brief idea of your essay's topic.
b) Body:
Body is the main part of essay in which you explain different parts of your topic.
c) Summary:
Summary, also known as conclusion, is the last paragraph used to sum up your essay.