Soon after its launch in the year 2011, Office 365 has become a preferred choice among professional users. Microsoft efficiently merged desktop office applications with cloud-based version to foster users to communicate and collaborate via Microsoft Exchange Online, Microsoft SharePoint Online, and Microsoft Office Web App. Users can access their data files virtually from anywhere via internet. Moreover, Microsoft simultaneously launched two separate editions of this service to cater small businesses and huge enterprises.
Although, there are no apparent differences between desktop and cloud version of Microsoft office, several organizations don't consider availing this technology. They might have doubts about data security, functionalities and licensing issues. If you find yourself among this group, continue reading the benefits of using this innovative technology.
Multi-platform accessibility anytime, anywhere
Access to documents and email anytime, anywhere from different digital devices like PCs, iPhones, Smart Phone, tablets and Macintosh computers facilitate users to communicate and share data with remote coworkers, clients and partners. Users feel more comfortable as they find themselves free to work from anywhere even on the go.
Access files via SkyDrive Pro
The system offers unparalleled accessibility to personal data via SkyDrive Pro feature. It serves as a personal cloud library that empowers users to save sync and organize work files with direct access to the company address book. While keeping all users with in organization context, the feature also maintains good privacy during work. All files are saved as private files unless users share them publicly. The SkyDrive Pro function is supported by SharePoint Online. Moreover, the feature also offers protection against data disasters and allows users to control lifecycle and versioning.
Security is the priority
Data is completely protected against unauthorized attempt via 128-bit SSL/TSL encryption. If an unauthorized user makes a bad attempt he will not be able to read data files. The Antivirus signatures are updated regularly, whereas emails on Exchange Online are protected via Forefront Online Protection for Exchange (FOPE). The system keeps on scanning documents and emails for spams, viruses and malicious software to provide 24/7 uninterrupted security.
99.9% Reliability
The cloud based software is 99.9% efficient to offer quality services. Multiple data centers that are located across the world enable Microsoft to become the most reliable partner of its clients. In case a unit is not functional the system quickly transfers users to another unit, without any discontinuation of services.
You don't have to be an advance IT expert
Simplicity to operate is the primary reason behind introducing a cloud version of Microsoft Office. It doesn't require high grade IT skills from its users. Users are provided with an ID and password to login to avail all the features and benefits. No further installations are required to use this technology. Web portal also offers step wise instructions to facilitate its users. They can start using the system right away after making the account.
ISO Certified service
Office 365 cloud services have passed all quality standards to become an ISO 27001 certified service. Furthermore, the service has successfully fulfilled standards for SAS70 Type I and II audits and has also achieved the status of EU Safe Harbor seal. In order to provide more compliance to its customers, Microsoft has also earned certifications from HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act).
Operational compatibility
Unlike the implementation of other advance technologies, cloud based version does not require any system and infrastructure upgrades. System and infrastructure upgrades are practically difficult for both small and huge setups. Small businesses might not afford the cost, whereas huge setups may have a number of systems, making it practically time consuming and costly.
Office 365 is completely compatible to work with computers of variable configurations from Mac systems, Windows 7, Vista (SP2), Windows XP SP3 and XP Home edition. The web portal can work with all web browsers like Explorer, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox. Besides this, outlook email is also compatible to use any these browsers.
What are the limitations with the system?
Despite being simple and highly efficient, Office 365 Cloud services offer few limitations. There are certain unchangeable features limiting users to some extent.
• Users can not send messages exceeding the limit of 25 MB. Those who need to share files larger than this size have to incorporate other technologies and web based services to share files. Moreover, the shared mailbox facility is only available on premises.
• Sending email to a specified number of recipients during 24 hours is another limitation of this system. Total 10,000 addresses including, To, Cc and BCC is the maximum limit you can utilize. Whereas, maximum limit to send the same message to multiple recipient is 500.
• For cloud based version recovery period to collect the deleted messages is 14 days. After the expiry of recovery period messages cannot be not retrieved. However, a fee-based license allowed retaining deleted items forever.
The Cloud based office 365, is the latest technology anyone can avail to experience the flexibility to work anywhere, anytime. After considering your needs you can better decide to avail this cloud computing technology to communicate and collaborate.
Thanks to eHDF MS office 365 cloud department for helping us out during the write up. Thumbs up guys!!