Author: charliebtallent


Steps in the Car Manufacturing Process

The design and building of an automobile is a long process that can take approximately 72 months. It begins with sheets of metal. The building of a car often involves scrap metal that has been recycled. Classic cars were built by hand by artisans who took pride in their work. […]


7 Custom Door Ideas for Your Home

Having a nice door at home makes us feel comfortable, especially when it is decorative. Moreover, it can provide us security and privacy as well. This is why many people are very particular in choosing which custom doors are best fit for their homes. To help you figure out which […]


How Your Surroundings Affect Sleep

A good night’s sleep is a great way to end any day, and as such, it is sought after mercilessly by the vast majority of people. Sleep takes up large portions of our time and is a vital part of being a healthy, functioning human being. Our modern era of […]


Insomnia Irritation – 5 Ways To Beat Sleeplessness

Insomnia is a problem that affects millions of people regularly. Almost every single person reading this has had “sleepless” nights before, but that isn’t what it’s like. Insomnia is sleepless nights, every night, for long periods of time, and can have a massive impact on the sufferer’s quality of life. […]

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The Ultimate in Star Wars Gadgetry is Upon Us

The neverending stream of Star Wars memorabilia and merchandise has become almost commonplace for the people invested in the stories and legends of the Jedi, the harrowing tales of the Empire, the near-swashbuckling antics of Han Solo and Chewbacca, and the power of the Force. For decades now, these movies, […]


Online Doctors: The Future of Health Care

While the rise of the medical services online is still very much in its infancy, the trend for mobile healthcare is now moving at an unstoppable rate. It seems inevitable that, in the future, face to face consultations will largely be a thing of the past. We conduct business, do […]