Search Results for "lifted brow"

Travel and living

Single Girls’ Weekend Escapes

All groups of friends need weekend escapes every once in a while. Single girls‘ weekend escapes are therapeutic, whether they are meant for relaxation, entertainment, or excitement. They help solidify friendships, balance group dynamics and provide ideal circumstances for tea spilling. Especially in this period, when we find stress in […]

Heating a greenhouse in the winter.

Heating a Greenhouse During The Winter

In climates where frost is severe or prolonged, heat is needed unless the greenhouse is to remain empty throughout the winter. Where winters are not severe, however, it is worth looking at the limitations of a cold greenhouse. From about mid-spring to late autumn, all the plants that need cold […]


Laser Skin Clinics and Ageing

As youth fades, we enter the stage of life where dry skin, grey hair and wrinkles are common. Natural ageing can never be prevented, but with laser skin clinics we now have the ability to treat its appearance and feel a little better about ourselves in the process. There are […]