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14 Keys to a Healthy Diet

Why you should include eggplants in your diet

Are you looking to make healthier food choices without sacrificing taste? Then you should include eggplants in your diet! This amazing vegetable is packed with nutrients and health benefits that can make a difference in your lifestyle. In this article we are going to discuss why you should include eggplants […]


Benefits of All-on-4 Dental Implants

Like your handshake, your smile is one of the key ingredients to making a good first impression. A weak, floppy handshake communicates passivity, weakness, and overall lack of conviction. When it’s done right, a good handshake shows a new acquaintance that you are firm, sincere, and sure of yourself. Your […]


Dental Implants vs Dentures

A lot of people tend to suffer from a loss of teeth for some reason or the other as they age. Missing teeth can become a constant cause of embarrassment as you age and you may find yourself ashamed to open your mouth or smile. Your loss of teeth […]


Dental Veneers vs. Dental Implants

With all the great technologies available today, it’s easier than ever to restore your teeth! Gone are the days when dentures were your only restoration option. Dentistry is more exciting than ever with treatment plans that include dental veneers and implants. But how do you know which treatment is right […]


14 Great Plants for Your Pergola

If you’ve just had a pergola erected in your garden, or you already have one but it’s looking bare and badly needs some plant cover, you’ll be wondering which plants are the best to grow on it. Here, we’ve provided a selection of 14 beauties for you to choose from […]


What Are the Most Commonly Used Dental Implants?

There are a huge number of different dental implant systems that can be used to replace missing teeth. This does mean that dentists have a lot of choice when it comes to identifying just the right dental implant for a specific patient. However, most dentists tend to only have experience […]