With all the great technologies available today, it’s easier than ever to restore your teeth! Gone are the days when dentures were your only restoration option. Dentistry is more exciting than ever with treatment plans that include dental veneers and implants. But how do you know which treatment is right for you? You need to be armed with the information to help you make the best call for yourself. Here’s a look and dental veneers vs. dental implants.
I’m Dr. Holly Gregory, a Houston Dental Implants Family Dentistry, Oral Surgery, and Periodontics specialist. I love to share information on dental wellness to equip patients with information to discuss with their own dentist and make the best decisions about their dental care.
What’s A Dental Veneer?
First, let me take a moment to give you a quick description of what a dental veneer is, and how it helps you.
A dental veneer, aka porcelain veneer, is a thin layer of material that is custom-crafted to fit each tooth treated. It’s bonded to the front sides of your teeth. Think of veneers as a coat of armor for your teeth! It’s used to restore teeth that have chips, discolorations, or uneven wear. They can also be used to fill teeth with gaps between them.
Dental Veneer Pros:
Natural Looking: Dental veneers have a natural look. It’s hard to spot well-done dental veneers, helping to restore self-confidence to the patient.
Stain Resistant: Many patients who opt for dental veneers do so because their natural teeth have a yellowed appearance. This is most commonly a result of medication. Veneers resist future staining and give the patient back his pearly whites.
Less Invasive: Dental veneers are only moderately invasive. The dentist will grind off a thin amount of enamel from the natural tooth to give the veneer a good grip, apply the bonding agent, and affix the veneer. In just a short appointment, you leave with restored teeth.
Dental Veneer Cons:
Irreversible: When you’ve received a dental veneer, the process is irreversible. If the tooth behind the veneer deteriorates, you will need to move to a more invasive crown.
Can’t Be Fixed: While dental veneers are sturdy, they can develop a chip or crack in them. In such a rare case, they can’t be fixed. The dentist will need to remove the old veneer and replace it with a new one.
Tooth Sensitivity: Because the front enamel is ground down to ensure proper bonding, teeth treated with veneers may become cold- or heat-sensitive.
What’s A Dental Implant?
Next, let’s look at dental implants.
A dental implant is a surgical procedure in which a dental surgeon implants titanium posts in your jawbone. Your dentist uses these posts as the foundation to which she attaches natural-looking replacement teeth. This creates a permanent replacement tooth.
This is used as an alternative for replacing teeth that are missing, damaged, or badly decayed. It’s superior to dentures because once they are implanted, they fuse to your jaw and you don’t have daily insertion and removal of your teeth.
Dental Implant Pros:
Permanent: Dental implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss. There’s no need to remove your teeth at night and put them in every day.
No Loosening: Dental implants are sturdy like your natural teeth. You don’t need to overly worry about chipping or cracking them. You can eat whatever you’d like without fear!
Natural Appearance: Dental implants are high-quality restorations that have a very natural appearance. With well-made implants, nobody will guess that they aren’t your real teeth!
Dental Implant Cons:
Surgery: The implant procedure is surgical in nature. As with any surgical procedure, there will be minor risks that should be discussed with your dental surgeon.
Cost: Dental implants are one of the more expensive tooth restoration procedures available today. It requires a significant investment.
Candidacy: Not everyone can receive dental implants. If your tooth decay has caused gingivitis or gum disease, this can be a sticky issue. Check with your dentist.
In closing, tooth restoration is better today than ever before! You have more treatment options than any prior generation.
Much of the decision between dental veneers, dental implants, or other restoration is dependent upon the severity of the issues you are experiencing. Your overall dental health, and how well your gums will likely accept your treatment, may also come into play.
A consultation with a dentist will nudge you in the right direction