Search Results for "requested"


A Guide to Hiring A Criminal Defense Lawyer In 2023

You are aware of the importance of retaining the services of an experienced criminal defense lawyer if you are subjected to an investigation or have been charged with a crime. If you engage with the right criminal defense lawyer from David Anber’s Law Office, it will be easier to avoid […]


5 Common Terms of Service For the Lifeline Program

The common terms of service for the Lifeline program are in place to ensure that you are aware of the conditions and limitations of the service you are receiving. This includes, but is not limited to, unused minutes and data, cancellation, and plan restrictions. Rates Lifeline is a government-subsidized program […]


Understanding the Four Ds in Medical Malpractice

The US medical industry is on high alert due to the alarming number of medical malpractices reported in recent years . Such agonizing trends have prompted various investigations to try and uncover the root causes. Accordingly, the COVID-19 pandemic has been blamed as one of the significant causes of the […]


Road accidents resulting in personal injury or death

Too much speed, carelessness and reckless driving, fatigue, or aggression in traffic are just some of the causes of road accidents that happen daily on the roads. I will present some general information regarding the consequences of a traffic accident resulting in human casualties. THE GENERAL FRAMEWORK In the event […]


How SCOTUS Will Affect Employment Laws

The Supreme Court of the United States, colloquially abbreviated as SCOTUS, is expected to tackle a series of issues that will substantially affect workplaces and employment laws in the coming months. The outcomes could potentially impact which COVID-19 mandates employers must adhere to; whether airlines must adhere to state wage […]