Search Results for "violated"


The Most Common Ways the FDCPA is Violated

In a perfect world everybody would play by the rules. There would be no room in this perfect world for liars, bullies, and people who resort to threats. Unfortunately for a number of people employed by debt collectors, this means there would be no place for them either. In no […]


Proofs Required to Modify a Child Custody Order

All marriages start with forever in mind, but not every marriage makes it to that. Couples may decide not to stay together through a divorce or legal separation. As much as couples have the right to determine what is best for them, the law requires that adequate provisions be made […]


DUI Checkpoints: What to Expect and How to Navigate Them

As you approach DUI checkpoint locations, the anticipation can be a mixture of nervousness and curiosity. Understanding what lies ahead and how to navigate these situations is crucial for any driver. Let’s go through sobriety checkpoints, explore what drivers can expect, and how to handle these situations smoothly. What to […]


States with the Heaviest Traffic Laws in the US

Every year, more than 100,000 people get injured in some form of a road accident. This number is staggering, a worrying trend that needs to be fixed. You could reduce the number of fatal road accidents by following traffic rules. Sadly, this is easier said than done. Why? Most drivers […]


The Dos and Don’ts of Marijuana DUI in California

Marijuana DUI is more complicated than simply getting behind the wheel after consuming too much alcohol, and it can result in serious consequences if you are charged with this crime in California. To avoid legal trouble, make sure to follow these simple tips on the dos and don’ts of marijuana […]


A Closer Look at Facial Recognition Technology

Facial recognition technology is a divisive topic. On the one hand, the facial recognition market is booming, projected to be worth $10.9 billion by 2025. Simultaneously, the technology faces mounting opposition, potentially limiting its growth. Cutting-edge technology always contends with some amount of controversy when it’s trending, but the conflict usually fizzles […]


The Responsibilities of a UK Director

A common misconception is that the status of the executive director imposes additional legal obligations and duties on directors. The Companies Act 2006 lays the foundations for the duties of directors by outlining the statutory duties of directors and the main statutory duties of the law. Directors owe the company […]


How Much Money Do Mesothelioma Patients Get?

If you live in the United States, the sad truth is you may have to rely on a lawsuit to get the funds you need to cover your mesothelioma treatments and related expenses. If someone else was responsible for exposing you to asbestos, there’s no reason you should struggle to […]