Search Results for "journeys"


Top 10 Calorific Journeys on the London Tube Map

London has its fair share of internationally recognised landmarks, all within a reasonable travelling distance, you might agree. All the more reason then to ditch the iconic red London Bus and the London Underground to walk amongst the hotspots. A study from GP Wayne Osborne of medical website discovered […]

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The Role of Psychics in Providing Guidance

Since ancient times, psychics have played an important role in providing guidance to people seeking clarity and direction in their lives. A psychic is someone with extrasensory abilities to perceive and channel information that is not available through the normal senses. Many people consult psychics when they feel stuck or […]


UX for games: An Overview

User Experience is a field that is hard to define precisely because its emphasis is on enhancing how users engage with a particular product. As the video game business has grown, game designers have come to understand that a player-centric development process and culture foster a favorable user experience that […]


How has The COVID-19 Pandemic Accelerated Cloud Adoption

“Digital transformation” and “cloud adoption” have been buzzwords for the business world for the last few years. From enterprise-level organizations to small and medium businesses, it appears that every business is moving operations to the cloud and pivoting to adopt online productivity and collaboration services as they move forward. The […]