Search Results for "historical record"


The Art of Cannabis Cooking

As the legal status of cannabis continues to evolve, cannabis-infused cuisine is emerging as an innovative and tantalizing way to enjoy the plant’s benefits. Transforming cannabis into delectable dishes goes beyond the ubiquitous pot brownies, offering a sophisticated and diverse range of flavors and experiences. This article will explore the […]

Small business

How to forecast small business cash flow

While large businesses with dedicated finance teams can spend significant time and resources forecasting their future cash flow, smaller companies typically need to find ways to do it in-house. Thankfully, forecasting cash flow is simpler than one would think. You can get a good idea of your business’s future cash […]


Trump’s Era Border Policies and Ways to End It

A policy put in place by former President Donald Trump restricting tens of thousands of immigrants to remain in Mexico for their asylum case hearings is causing huge controversy in the Biden era. The policy, which kicked off in January 2019, was called Migrant Protection Protocols. It compels migrants approaching […]


How SCOTUS Will Affect Employment Laws

The Supreme Court of the United States, colloquially abbreviated as SCOTUS, is expected to tackle a series of issues that will substantially affect workplaces and employment laws in the coming months. The outcomes could potentially impact which COVID-19 mandates employers must adhere to; whether airlines must adhere to state wage […]


The Benefits of Demand Planning Software

Demand planning is what you need in today’s market. Without the right tools, it’s impossible to know what your consumers are going to want. Demand planning software allows you to see into the future and prepare for upcoming demand. What is Demand Planning Software? Demand planning software uses forecasts to […]