Search Results for "notifying"


ED Records-Complexities to Understand

Medical data is stored in the form of various records like History and Physical, Consultation or Emergency Department Report. Let’s understand what an emergency department report looks like and what makes it complicated. Emergency Department Report is generated when a patient visits ER for acute situations like a minor injury, […]


2021 May Bring Challenges to Workers’ Compensation

Traditional workers’ compensation laws say that employers must provide a workers’ compensation insurance plan to their employees. This includes workers in almost every industry, regardless of their age, health, or time spent on the job. These plans provide free medical care to people who suffer injuries or illnesses connected to […]

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Strategies for Condos to Strengthen Building Security

In condo buildings, having effective security is crucial. You must take the right steps to keep residents and guests safe to avoid serious liability issues. Here are some targeted strategies that property managers and board members should consider implementing to enhance security. Give On-Site Staff Good Communication Tools If your […]