Search Results for "Teaching"


Best Online Colleges for a Teaching Degree

Teaching is one of the noblest professions in any society. The best teachers not only help children learn the basics — reading, writing and math — they instill a passion for lifelong learning and they inspire kids to do something great with their lives. But all great teachers start out […]


Teaching Teens About Drug Abuse

If you are a teacher in high school or in a middle school, then chances are you have likely talked to your students about alcohol and drugs and the effects they have on the body. However, how many teachers in these levels actually do so? What we mean is taking […]


How to Turn Your Teaching Career

How unforgettable is the day you get to wear your graduation gown? How thrilled are you to walk across the stage and receive your hard-earned diploma? How about the moment when you move your graduation cap’s tassels to the left and that wide smile you got when you throw your […]


Teaching Methods for Supply Teachers

Having a solid understanding of what it is that improves a child's ability to learn can make all the difference in the classroom, though sometimes it can be difficult to find an adequate teaching method that suits all the pupils. Many teachers have their own distinctive methods of teaching that […]