Search Results for "Purchasing Managers"


How has The COVID-19 Pandemic Accelerated Cloud Adoption

“Digital transformation” and “cloud adoption” have been buzzwords for the business world for the last few years. From enterprise-level organizations to small and medium businesses, it appears that every business is moving operations to the cloud and pivoting to adopt online productivity and collaboration services as they move forward. The […]


Used Equipment Buying Guide for Your New Restaurant

Running a restaurant can be difficult. The cost of food and drinks, staff, insurance, rent, kitchen appliances, and utensils can quickly add up. One area where restaurant owners often spend too much money on is purchasing equipment. The money required to buy new equipment can be substantially higher than the […]


7 Solutions to Inventory Management Challenges

Any organization that holds inventory or stock is bound to face some inventory management challenges. The international trading landscape is continually changing and is more uncertain than ever. Problems like fluctuating demands, quality control, and human errors are common in inventory control, and the same must be managed so that […]


7 Essential Selling Tips for Clothing Retailers

All clothing retailers will experience a downshift in sales at one point or another. The bad news is, it may not always be easy to predict. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure your business has plenty of happy customers to keep sales skyrocketing. When sales slump, here […]

Business planning

Cost Management and The Supply Chain

The current global economy is characterized by the doctrine of survival of the fittest and marked by the changing face of the business environment. Currently, each company strives to remain relevant amidst such a competitive environment. One of the assured ways for this to be achieved is for quality products […]


Challenges of Operating a Restaurant

The restaurant industry is extremely competitive. It’s difficult to be successful and stand out amongst the hundreds, if not thousands, of other restaurants in your local area; whether it’s the food, customer service or brand, customers will consistently critique your restaurant and even the smallest error could stir up a […]