Search Results for "Panasonic"

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Panasonic Phones

You are no doubt familiar with Panasonic as a brand that has been around for a while. Most of the products made by the company are durable while achieving the purpose for which they are made. This is what the brand is well known for across the world as many […]

Mobile devices

Panasonic ToughPad FZ-X1 Review

Most people who own a tablet either own an iPad or an Android device. Unlike the typical commercial tablets available, the Panasonic ToughPad can be dropped, soaked, and beaten and still function perfectly. The Panasonic ToughPad FZ-X1 measures in at a whopping 5 inches. However, don't be fooled by its […]


Vape Mods: An Overview

If you’ve been dabbling with vaping lately, you’ve probably heard about vape mods somewhere, either from someone telling you to get one or simply through curiosity. Vape mods can have a significant effect on your vaping experience and can be a great option if you want to take your vaping […]


History of the Electric Shaver

Initially, shaving dealt with a sharp object, soap and water. One got shaved hoping that they wouldn’t be left with a scar. Today the shaving experience is totally different. The greatest engineers are backed with loads of cash and they aim to get small, powerful and efficient motors in your […]


Top 10 Action Sports Cameras in 2014

If you are doing some action, it will be incomplete if you face the danger without filming it. That's why all sports lovers have action sports cameras by their side to film whatever weird or wonderful experience they are about to have. But you can't just use any ordinary camera […]


Setting Up a Projector in Your Office

When visitors walk through the doors of the Krombacher Brewery visitor's center, a projector above their heads displays the company logo. As one is ushered through the tour, projectors display what the company calls "islands," or places where visitors can soak up the history of the brewery, which has been […]