Data security

Data security Technology

Most Terrifying Online Threats

There’s no doubt that the Internet poses threats, despite all the excellent things it can do for us. Whether you’re on your phone, tablet, or computer, you need to watch out for the following four most terrifying online threats. 1. Trojan Horses A Trojan Horse is a type of malware […]

Certification Data security Technology

What is DCID 6/3

Standing for “Director of Central Intelligence Directive section 6, part 3”, DCID 6/3 represents the C&A (certification and accreditation) methodology used on intelligence projects by federal agencies like the C.I.A. Anyone working on such projects must have SCI clearance (SCI stands for Sensitive Compartmentalized Information). Before DCID 6/3 come to […]

Business Certification Data security Technology

NIST and NIACAP phases

NIST and NIACAP are two frameworks providing accountability for people involved in the security of the information system. They refer to verification and validation of security controls, system characterization and risk assessment as well as accrediting decisions and certification recommendations. NIST is a process designed to deal with unclassified information […]

Business Certification Data security Technology

DITSCAP phases

DITSCAP, developed by DISA (The Defense Information Systems Agency), serves for accrediting and evaluation of systems belonging to the Department of Defense. DITSCAP uses an infrastructure-centric approach for DoD systems. It is a mandatory element for all defense agencies for collecting, storing and processing information (either classified or unclassified). There […]

Data security Internet

How to Ensure Your WordPress Security

Surprisingly, it is extremely easy to get caught up in the day-to-day running of your web site. There are endless jobs that need your attention such as PPC, keyword searches, content writing, and link building. But, "Don't get caught with your pants down," when it comes to security. We have been trained […]