Search Results for "muscle kill"


Positive and Negative Effects of Alcohol on Sex

If you take alcohol, it can have some effects on you sex life of which some are positive while others are negative. There is a general misconception that alcohol is an aphrodisiac by acting as a social lubricant. Several studies conclude that alcohol enable some people in overcoming sexual inhibitions and […]


Medical School 101: The First Two Years

Transitioning into medical school can be both exhilarating and intimidating. It feels like the start of a life-changing experience - and it is. You’ll learn more than you thought possible in an impossibly short period of time. You’ll learn, maybe for the first time ever, what failure feels like. And […]


Deadly Diseases Rats Can Transmit to Humans

Fall means invasive rodents like rats and mice will be looking for a warm place to nest. Your pantry, attic, and walls are all inviting homes to these pests, and once they enter your home, they will quickly create an infestation. Keeping these rodents out of your home should be […]


Creating Job Ads For The Right Candidates

We all know how important first impressions can be, and job advertisements are essentially the first impression you make on potential employees. You are given a very limited amount of space to communicate critical messages about the specific position you are seeking to fill, as well as give a positive […]


The Health Benefits of Cycling

There are various health benefits of cycling. Cycling is one of the simplest ways to exercise You can ride a bicycle virtually anywhere at any time of the year, and without spending a fortune. Many people are put off from doing certain sports simply because of the high level of […]


Chiropractic Treatments for Lower Back Pain

The lumbar disc is one of the most common health problems nowadays. It is not only painful, but also impairs mobility. Protruding lumbar discs can lead to pain in the sciatic nerve which affects the legs. In this case, it is best to look for chiropractic care. Pain is caused […]


Improving Your Health With Tennis

Losing weight and improving the cardiovascular system is a very important topic in today's society. There is a problem with gym workouts and aerobic sessions: many people find them boring and find no motivation in them. This often results in heavy abandon rates as well as poor results for the […]


Tips to Get Your Children Interested in Sport

The great English writer George Orwell, who gave the world Animal Farm and 1984, once wrote that sport is “war minus the shooting”. He was alluding to international sport and the Olympics, and undoubtedly these are the pinnacles of any professional sporting person’s career. Where children are concerned, developing an […]


How to Stay Safe When Taking Prescriptions

Using a prescription safely is vitally important for maintaining proper health. Physicians prescribe medications for patients who are experiencing acute or chronic medical conditions. Drugs manufactured for illnesses can have side effects that are mild or severe. Each individual prescribed a medication is carefully evaluated by a physician to make […]