Search Results for "optimize"


Creating Job Ads For The Right Candidates

We all know how important first impressions can be, and job advertisements are essentially the first impression you make on potential employees. You are given a very limited amount of space to communicate critical messages about the specific position you are seeking to fill, as well as give a positive […]


Advantages of Custom Warehouse Management Systems

In the earlier days, companies in producing and manufacturing goods relied on paperwork and clipboards and performed all the functions of managing inventory, warehouse, and transportation of goods manually. With the expansion of manufacturing houses, the number of orders and distribution points increased which triggered complexity in the timely fulfillment […]


Anchor Text in a Post Penguin World

With the Penguin 2.0 update that rocked the SEO world in late May, anchor text became quite a big topic of discussion in the SEO community. What level of exact match anchor text is appropriate to use in a post penguin world? What about partial match anchor text? How do […]

Web design

How to Make a Resume Website

Welcome to the 21st century! A digital era where more importance than ever is placed on your online profile. This is your guide to building a website so that when potential employers are looking through candidates, your web presence can pull you ahead to the front of the pack. Seriously, […]


Making Your YouTube Videos Stand Out

Unless you have a very special pet or a precocious dancing baby, making your YouTube videos stand out among the 100 hours of footage that is uploaded to the site every minute can often seem like an uphill battle. However, given that integrating video content into your marketing strategy provides […]


How to Avoid Anchor Text Over-Optimization Penalties

Most businesses realize the power of search engine optimization (SEO), but some get a little over-zealous and repetitive in their efforts. With 2013 bringing a rise in penalties due to Google’s Penguin 2.0 update, now is the time to rethink your SEO strategy and marketing efforts. Namely, you’ll want to […]


Survey on Google Local Carousel

As a marketing professional, it was very important for me to know how people are searching on search engine and how they follow up to get the desired result. Learning this would make me able to optimize the websites accordingly. Yesterday, I went to a college and asked 10 people […]