Search Results for "company's performance"


Benefits of Cloud Acceleration

Many of us now use the cloud on a regular basis, and we rarely give it a second thought. That is, until the cloud fails to respond in some way. For example, this article is being written using research gathered and stored in Microsoft OneNote — in the cloud. These […]


Invest in Human Resource Services Outsourcing

For all those failed brainstorming sessions, rejected marketing campaign samples and dry meetings, perhaps a double check on the employees hired! This literally forms a vicious cycle, where an entrepreneur ends up hiring candidates with insufficient skills; this indirectly affects the kind of quality produced for the company or the […]


Improving Energy Efficiency on a Global Scale

Green energy initiatives are a large part of today’s government and community strategies to help the United States become less dependent on fossil fuels. This focus means that many power companies around the country like Plymouth Rock Energy have created programs and made efforts to make their company services as […]


Elements of The Corporate Contract Lifecycle

Just as products have a shelf life, business contracts have a lifecycle that begins from the initial planning phases and extends throughout the duration of these agreements. Contract lifecycle management is an essential part of the modern business world and encompasses a wide range of activities, including the following: • […]