Search Results for "attempt"

Data security

Internet Safety-Hows and Whys

The advances in internet technologies have brought us the life we see today; everything is at our fingertips and mobile phones, laptops and tablets are present everywhere. All these technologies have essentially changed the way we do business and have changed the boundaries previously set by physical distance. Naturally, all […]


Factors Influencing Your Career Choice

When it comes to making a decision on your career path, there are several factors that influence your decision. The most common being your passion; that is the one thing that you have desired to be from either childhood, or from the time you could identify to any established person. Whether […]


Mature Dating Online is Not a Scam

It is a heartbreaking thing when your spouse passes away after decades of marriage. After the grieving period and the loneliness sets in, you may toy with the idea of dating again but the idea terrifies you. After all, you have been with the same person for so long and […]