Search Results for "personal debt"

Debt and credit

Workable Ways to Get Out of Debt

According to American Debt Advisor, around 80% of the population is in debt. If we exclude secured debt, car and home loans, there is still around 50% of the population carrying debt, some of it in the amount of tens of thousands of dollars. And these statistics are mirrored around […]

Debt and credit

Understanding Debt Settlement to Avoid Scams

Sometimes there are alternatives to bankruptcy, and depending on your particular situation one of those is debt settlement. Debt Settlement is a way of working with your creditors and debt collectors to settle your outstanding debts for less than the amount that you owe. Depending on the amount of money you […]


Why LPA’s Are So Important for Your Business

For any successful business, consistency is key. Ensuring the operation runs smoothly and that continuous growth is made, is integral to the longevity of any company. As an owner of a business safeguarding your company’s future is almost as important as running it day to day. Following recent statistics, last […]