Search Results for "labor costs"


Trump Wants Companies to Think About Reshoring

After earning himself the nickname of ‘Twitterer-in-Chief, President-Elect Donald Trump is looking like he might soon be known as ‘Reshorer-in-Chief’ as well. Last month, not long after his shock election, Trump described a telephone conversation with Apple CEO Tim Cook, which seemed very much like he was putting Cook under […]


Hidden Ways To Increase Factory Uptime

The world of manufacturing varies greatly from one industry to the next. Skill-level of the workers, the number of and potential for bottlenecks, and wildly differing production schedules are just a few of the things that coalesce to make one plant so different from the next. What they do all […]

Business planning

SWOT Analysis: Knowing the Business Realities

Situational analysis is simply what it says: analyzing the situation. Before leaping into any action, the sales manager must analyze the business realities to determine what the best action would be. Additionally, after the action has been completed, another analysis must be done to determine the impact of the action on all […]


Heavy Duty Degreasers for the Oil & Gas Industry

Oil and gas (O&G) and other chemical spills get attention like no other news. Just take the recent chemical spill in the Elk River in Charleston, West Virginia, which cut off water to more than 300,000 people. Three years ago, the United States Chemical Safety Board asked the state to put together […]

Bathroom Remodelling Mistakes

Bathroom Re-modelling Mistakes

A well-designed bathroom will not only raise the monetary value of your house, but will also improve your daily quality of life. As it will become the most used room in your home, it’s important you avoid the common bathroom design mistakes that can lead to it being the most […]