Search Results for "investments"


How do Buildings Handle Mother Nature at Her Most Extreme?

Extreme weather conditions and natural disasters cause hundreds of fatalities a year and cause billions of pounds worth of damage. Due to advances in design technology and materials, architects and construction genius´ are miraculously coming up with new design concepts to create structures that can withstand extreme conditions to protect […]


The Richest Countries in The World in 2013

Countries are said to be rich if people living there are earning enough so they can support themselves. Following are the names of top 10 richest countries in the world. These countries are on the top of GDP per capita recorded according to data gathered in 2012. GDP value is […]


Gold [Infographic]

Gold, one of mankind’s oldest adornments, has a rich history. Introduced to a young earth in a vast meteor shower some 2 billion years ago, most of the world’s gold remains buried in the planet’s core. Throughout history, humans have mined only approximately 165,000 metric tons of gold; it is […]


Stock Market Investing Tips for Beginners

Is your investment history peppered with disappointments? Many folks would like to profit through stock market investing, but very few really know how to do it successfully. Read this article so you can gather tips about making the most money possible. Be wary of unsolicited recommendations and stock tips. Of […]


How to Create the Perfect Crowdfunding Pitch

The Internet has transformed how people communicate and find information. Increasingly, the Internet is also being used to transform how startups find the capital funding they need. In particular, crowdsourced investing websites are connecting people with great ideas with those who wish to help fund them. Creating an effective pitch, […]


Famous Tax Evaders

It can be disheartening to look at your paycheck every month and realize that Uncle Sam has taken away a big chunk of it - maybe more than you think he deserves. You may find yourself thinking of the things you could do if you could bring home all of the […]


The Stock Market is Tumbling. What Next?

People love to play the stock market. I always found it intriguing that we use the word ‘play' when referring to investments that can leave us high and dry in a matter of minutes. The truth is, however, that we actually do ‘play' the markets. Dropping our dollars into a […]