Search Results for "medicine"


Diabetes: Symptoms, Types, Treatment & Care

Diabetes also known as Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar levels for a prolonged period. Diabetes Symptoms: The symptoms of diabetes may seem harmless. However the early a person is diagnosed with diabetes, the greater risk of serious complications […]


Prostate Cancer-Disorder Summary

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men which is mostly found in older men. Nearly 1 out of 6 men will probably receive a prostate cancer diagnosis sometime in their lives. The National Cancer Institute estimated that nearly 8% of men between the age range 50-70 will […]


Most Important Mental Health Risks Following an Accident

The victims of several types of accidents often have to live with many dangerous long-term medical issues. These people may experience constant health complicated conditions or long term disabilities. Many accident victims face different problems doing daily rooting works. In an unfortunate way, a few victims also have psychological illness […]

Elder care

3 Most Common Aging Issues

No matter how healthy a lifestyle we lead, there is always a possibility of experiencing some diseases, which occur due to aging. As we age, our immune system gets weaker and we are more prone to being affected by different viruses and bacteria. Moreover, our physical condition decreases, so we […]


Types of Services to Look for in a Translation Company

Language training and communication are lifelong processes, both of which require constant effort. Without continuous practice, one would not be able to gain the industrial expertise to apply their translational and interpretative skills to practical applications. Multinational corporations around the world require both these skills and much more to communicate […]