Search Results for "vitamin health"

Elder care

How to Exercise Your Frail Bones

As the body ages the bones naturally begin to weaken. The degree of bone loss can be measured using a test called the bone mineral density test. This indicates the strength of the bones and what risk there is that they may break. Osteoporosis is the most severe form of bone loss […]

Fitness Nutrition

Why Aren't You Losing Fat?

At some point, most (if not all) people around the world want or need to lose weight. Of course, there are different methods, regimens, and tricks that can sometimes be effective to this goal. Different avenues available to losing weight or fat include, but are not limited to: dieting, exercising, […]

Health Nutrition

What Bodybuilding Supplements Do I Need?

One of the best decisions you can make for your health is to start a bodybuilding routine. Besides getting that envious body shape, you can directly or indirectly reap many health benefits. Typically, bodybuilding entails lifting weights (resistance training) at different levels. In the process, your body will burn a […]


The History of Lip Gloss

Lip gloss from moist to shiny, has a long, colorful and rich history. Originally lip gloss was created by Max Factor the inventor of makeup back in the early 1900's as a quick fix application to help make actresses lips more moist and shiny to save time in creating the actress […]

Fitness Health Sport

Is Getting In Shape Really This Easy?

DISCLAIMER: If you've been in an ongoing battle with weight gain, involving many failed attempts at diets, exercise routines, or even medical consult-we have the utmost respect for your journey-but this article really isn't for you. If you're younger, have never "watched what you ate" and have just started to […]


How Can My Job Cause Me Hearing Loss

Research has shown that 50% of the population will develop some form of hearing loss at some point in their life. Many believe that hearing loss is just a sign of ageing. Although in some cases this is true, there are thousands of people suffering from noise induced hearing loss […]