Search Results for "skin neat"


Are They Sydney’s Best Face Makers?

First impressions count and more often than not, how we look on the outside significantly influences how we look and feel on the inside. Sydney, Australia is a beautiful place filled with beautiful people. However, beauty is fleeting; only those who take good care of themselves manage to hang on […]


3 Ways to Save Money as a Restaurant Owner

You have to put in some to get some in return—a phrase that restaurant owners know all too well. While the startup costs of building a restaurant are high, the reward of seeing a lifelong dream grow into something real is beyond worth it. But too often maintenance costs become […]


5 Best Commercial Cleaning Practices

Imagine the scenario where your office employees reach the premises at 8 AM on a Monday morning, with the same cluttered desk they left it on Friday evening, a dustier keyboard and phone, and their place of sanctity – the coffee break area, covered in footmarks. Now imagine that you […]


Why It’s Time to Ditch the Charcoal Toothpaste

Every so often a brand-new fad comes along that’s just guaranteed to give you a brighter, whiter and more beautiful smile. One of these most recent trends is using charcoal toothpaste to help whiten teeth and it’s been endorsed by celebrities. However, a group of dental students has spent a […]


Basic Guidelines for Installing Potlights

Potlights can be an integral part of bringing an interior decor to life. But they need to be carefully considered if you are to get the most from them in either a practical or aesthetic sense. Below we’re going to take a look at some basic principles that should guide […]


How Varicose Veins Laser Surgery Works

Varicose veins laser surgery is a popular treatment option because of its minimal invasiveness and high success rate. As a treatment option, it is a far-cry from previous methods known as ‘stripping’ whereby the problem blood vessels would be physically removed via highly invasive surgery. Modern treatments like EVLA (Endovenous […]