Search Results for "fat intake"


Telemedicine: When Technology Comes To The Rescue!

From 1900 to date, the field of medicine has gone to new heights through technology. The use of MRI, CT-Scan, etc. presents what modern treatment looks like. Furthermore, X-Rays present a different methodology to learn the defects in the patient. To mix them up, you can use the word ‘telemedicine’. […]


6 Health Tips Straight From the Nurses’ Mouth

Staying healthy isn’t just about taking your medicines and vitamins and staying away from the cold; it is a whole lifestyle. While the visits to the doctor can help you direct your efforts toward the right path, you will eventually have to change everything about your living habits to adopt […]


Dieting: Dissecting the common mistakes

It’s a topic that will never grow old; for as long as the world spins around, dieting will be something that constantly grabs attention. Of course, all of this is for a good reason. Ask any of the major health insurance providers, and they would return with the same answer: […]


An Effective Way To Pass A Drug Test For Weed

Marijuana has been legalized for recreational use in some states in the United States. However, it remains illegal under federal law. Prospective employers may require job applicants to undergo a drug test for weed as one of the conditions for employment. Safety-sensitive industries such as transportation may also require employees […]


Why Do We Get Dark Circles under our Eyes?

Dark circles are often a sign of not getting enough sleep. However, there are many who struggle with dark circles who get enough rest but struggle with fluid build up around the eyes, which can make eye circles more obvious. Skin Considerations The skin below the eyes is fragile and […]


How to Get Your Body Summer Ready

Are you desperate to get the perfect summer body this year? Well, you have come to the right place. Whilst we can’t wait for summer, you’re not alone if the thought of wearing shorts, bikinis, and crop tops for the next few months leaves you feeling insecure and nervous. But […]


Top 10 Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy diet improves both the way we are and our well-being. For a balanced diet, include in your routine the consumption of a variety of colored fruits and vegetables, whole grains, good fats, and low protein. The main benefits of a healthy diet: Keep your weight under control Not […]


Can Dieting Really Help With Sleep Apnea?

If you experience irregular breathing patterns during sleep and carry over the next morning with early instances of fatigue, chances are that you may have a case of sleep apnea. Often overlooked, this sleeping disorder affects a portion of the population in Western countries, particularly in the United States. Blatant […]