Search Results for "servers"

Small business

Improving Small Business Efficiency

Finding ways to improve the profitability of an enterprise is always on the mind of an individual that runs a small business. A good foundational business plan, a clear and succinct mission statement, and a group of dependable employees; these all contribute to the overall profitability of a small business. One […]


The Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing

In the past few years, more and more companies have begun releasing products and services that use cloud computing technology. As the name suggests, cloud technology is where data is stored on remote servers and data centers. Instead of keeping all the hardware and software on site, it’s placed on […]


Insurance Policies Small Business Owners Must Consider

1.Property Insurance: Business owners who own a business property or own equipment used therein must opt for property insurance. Through such a policy a property owner can easily protect his assets against fire, theft, wreckage, smoke damage etc. Business owners can also choose riders which protect them against business interruptions […]

Data security Internet

How to Ensure Your WordPress Security

Surprisingly, it is extremely easy to get caught up in the day-to-day running of your web site. There are endless jobs that need your attention such as PPC, keyword searches, content writing, and link building. But, "Don't get caught with your pants down," when it comes to security. We have been trained […]

Data security

Securing Your Data-Made Easy

In today's computer-run society, most of our important business and personal information is kept in digital format, whether that's client databases or utilities bills. This means that some of the most confidential of materials is no longer available to lock away in filing cabinets and instead sits, often unprotected, on […]