Search Results for "gradually increase"


5 Strategies for Coping With a Sports Injury

After being fully invested in a sport you love, it sorts of becomes your life. Sports can be a major source of self-esteem, a source of income, a constructive way to cope with stress, and also offers a sense of identity, among other benefits. So, what happens when the unthinkable […]


Smart Home: The Standard House of the Near Future

A Brief History The concept of home automation existed as early as the 1900s, not just in many science fiction stories and novels but also in households. Back then, the concept was merely automating chores such as washing clothes and dishes, cleaning floors, and vacuuming carpets. The appliances that belong […]

The 7 Factors That Almost Always Lead to Conversion

The 7 Factors That Almost Always Lead to Conversion

There are dozens of online marketing strategies out there, from SEO to paid advertising, and most of them can net you a positive return, if executed properly. However, the “positive return” here is almost always limited to inbound traffic, which is definitely a positive thing for your business, but doesn’t […]


Habits to Avoid in Academic Writing

These five easy hints on habits to avoid in academic writing will increase your odds of overall success Students, instructors, and researchers are the ultimate multi-taskers, writing research proposals, writing books and journal articles, and teaching courses. The problem is that so is everyone else. If an editor has the […]