
Can Aerobic Exercises Improve Cardiorespiratory Endurance?

3 Simple Ways to Fit Cardio Into Your Everyday LifeFirstly, What is Cardio Respiratory Endurance?

Cardiorespiratory endurance (CRE) can be defined as the body’s ability to deliver oxygen and other essential nutrients to tissues. It is truly the best measurement of how well your heart, lungs and muscle work together in order to keep your body active in any given time frame. Trainers can improve their cardiorespiratory endurance levels by employing a certain effective aerobic exercise on a daily basis.

Why is Cardio Respiratory Endurance Vital for an Overall Well Being?

A cardiorespiratory endurance qualifies to be an excellent measurement tool to quantify your fitness levels. It assists your tutor to know how well you can perform cardiovascular exercises in a given period of time. If you have a lower CRE, you will begin your session with less intense workouts, and athletes with higher CRE can perform more intense workouts.

Cardiorespiratory endurance also helps in losing weight. All forms of aerobic exercises play a vital role in burning calories and losing weight. If your cardiorespiratory endurance is amicable, you will turn out just fine to partake in all kinds of activities meant for losing weight.

Moreover, it also aids in eradicating waste products over a well defined period of time. Now when we perform aerobic exercises, our vulnerability towards heart diseases reduces dramatically, in addition to some types of cancer.

Can Aerobic Exercises Help in Improving Cardio Respiratory Endurance?

In the list of aerobic exercises, you will likely come across a few basic exercises such as walking, running, jogging, swimming and bicycling. All these forms of activities aid in improving heart rate, which naturally helps in increasing our breathing rate as when the heart rate climbs us, our lungs fill themselves with oxygen. This oxygen is filtered through the bronchioles first and then rushes to the alveoli where the oxygen is used to diffuse in the blood. From there the oxygen goes straight to your heart. The heart then sends the blood and oxygen and other essential nutrients to various parts of the body. It is due to the oxygen found in the muscles that helps in burning fat and carbohydrates for fuel. The more fuel the muscles use, the more fit you become and the longer you can train your muscles.

The point is, by effectively engaging in aerobic activities every day of the week, let’s say for a game of basketball, raking leaves or even chasing the kids in your backyard for around 30 to 40 minutes, you are improving your cardiorespiratory endurance, which results in loss of calories, and reduction in stress and blood pressure.

Breakdown of Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises can be listed in two categories depending on the duration and intensity of muscular contractions. It is advisable to exercise for at least 30 minutes at a moderate intensity since the body begins to metabolize fat after 30 minutes of any aerobic activity, which is great news for those aiming to lose weight.

Once you know that you are ready to increase the intensity of your aerobic exercises, it’s time to augment your heart and lung health by performing high intensity exercises.

Let us now look at the most fundamental aerobic exercises to help you improve cardiorespiratory endurance. But, of course, the intensity levels will differ depending on your overall health.

  1. Walking

As compared to other forms of aerobic exercises, walking burns fewer calories. It is, however, a very good form of exercise for many people as it can be done anywhere and anytime. With the objective to improve cardiorespiratory endurance, it is imperative to maintain the heart rate of at least 60 per cent of the maximum heart rate. And, in order to reach 60 per cent, you need to walk from 3.5 to 4.5 mph.

  1. Jogging

Jogging is a bit more rigorous than walking, but definitely more effective. The key here, like with all other forms of aerobic exercises, is to slowly and gradually increase either the amount you jog each week or increase the speed at which you run.

  1. Swimming

While walking and jogging have numerous benefits on your overall endurance levels, swimming does a fantastic job in burning calories and improving cardiorespiratory endurance to a significant level. Even a slow freestyle burn as much as a 5 mph jog.

With swimming, the best way to improve cardiorespiratory endurance is to swim 50 to 200 yard intervals, followed by short rest periods. And, of course, as your endurance levels surge, increase the length of the intervals or shorten the rest period.

  1. Exercise machines

All the cardio equipments such as treadmills, stair machines, stationary bicycles and rowing machines help in improving cardiorespiratory endurance levels. These machines will enable you to adjust the intensities of your workout to suffice your daily goals. It is, however, vital to note that you take care of your skin while exercising on these machines at the gym. Do not forget to take an immediate shower after your session is over.

Bottom Line:

It is a good idea to include a variety in your daily aerobic activities. For instance, include swimming one day and running the other day. Such excellent varieties will give your body some time to rest while letting you to improve your cardio respiratory endurance.


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