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Tutorial OpenGL
Web design

Introduction to OpenGL: A 3D Text Rendering Tutorial

With the availability of tools like DirectX and OpenGL, writing a desktop application that renders 3D elements is not very difficult nowadays. However, like many technologies, there are sometimes obstacles making it difficult for developers trying to enter into this niche. Over time, the race between DirectX and OpenGL has […]


How do I Sell Products Produced by Others?

The short answer is indirectly, and with a very light touch. We have all hit sites that seem like nothing but a catalog of stuff being sold. Flashy, blinking banners. Bellowing sound, if you allow it. I don’t know how they can sell anything. I run quickly without even a thought […]


Native Advertising Methods

Unlike interrupt advertising where ad matter is interjected into the TV program or any other media, native advertising integrates marketing content with a site/service in such a smooth way that it cannot be distinguished from other material there either in terms of style, format, content or placing. Native advertising is […]


Tips to Overcome a Drug Addiction

If you are addicted to drugs there are things that you can do to help yourself overcome the addiction. There is always help out there for addicts, you just have to be willing to admit you need help and must be open to seeking out help. Face Your Addiction No […]

Marketing SEO

How to Make The Most Out of Online Marketing

Optimizing your online campaigns such as SEO, Emails, marketing and on-site development really surmounts the all-out charge on retail. You will see the benefits of improved sales, even customer well-being. All this can be done, so give it some drive and passion. Make it a career! Think of the improvements […]