Search Results for "Relevant articles"


SEO For Beginners: How to Succeed?

Many people may have heard about SEO and how it can improve the online presence of their business but may be reluctant to attempt any because it sounds too technical for them. However, even though there are certain technical aspects involved there is no reason why even the biggest technophobe […]


Alternatives To Paper Resumes

You could say a paper resume is an analog tool in a digital world. Even people who still use traditional resumes most likely email the files to recruiters. Many popular devices and websites have almost made it unnecessary to print out your resume. Pinterest, videos, personal websites and LinkedIn are […]


University Clearing-Secure Your Place

Finally the day has arrived, your exam results are in the, everyone is patiently waiting and…. You missed the results that you were aiming for. Now of course you are naturally going to be feeling disappointed in yourself, but don't, its not going to help the situation! The best thing […]

Social media

Useful Social Media Tips for Writers

As a writer you want to promote yourself as much as possible, without making it appear that you are promoting yourself. This is a very important notion if you want to stand out from the crowd. If you have ever seen writers' forums or the websites and social media profiles […]

Social media

How To Get A Million Likes On Facebook

It’s hardly news that businesses are setting up pages on Facebook to establish a presence for their brand on the world’s most popular social networking website. Sure, it’s easy enough for anyone to sign up, set up a profile for their business and open their virtual doors to the world. […]