Search Results for "sponsor"


Native Advertising Methods

Unlike interrupt advertising where ad matter is interjected into the TV program or any other media, native advertising integrates marketing content with a site/service in such a smooth way that it cannot be distinguished from other material there either in terms of style, format, content or placing. Native advertising is […]


What Factors Affect Your Workers’ Productivity?

There are many factors that are said to affect your workers productivity, many of which have had studies conducted supporting the ideas including; temperature, other co-workers, job role, office hours, office facilities, the amount of space and whether they have their own working area or are working in an open […]


Choosing Work Outings Your Whole Company Will Enjoy

Finding and keeping quality workers is one of the greatest challenges faced by businesses today. It affects every company from mom-and-pop enterprises with just a few employees to giant corporations. Reducing turnover and stimulating high morale, productivity and teamwork has a powerful impact on long-term costs and profits. Company outings, […]

Data security

What is Ethical Hacking?

Does the concept of buffer overflow or DDoS attacks attract you? If yes, then ethical hacking is indeed your right career field. Ethical hacker is known by several names such as white hat hacker, legal hacker or the rarely used penetration tester. Government organizations require ethical hackers for their daily […]


Key Rules For Successful IT Change Management

Any type of organizational change requires purpose and intent. However, meeting the challenge requires more than just good planning and execution. Managing change in times when everything is constantly evolving requires companies to treat change as an enduring process that overlaps and never ends. This means, expecting change and knowing […]