Search Results for "remedies"


Link between Erectile Dysfunction and Erection

There is a growing body of evidence that indicates that Erectile Dysfunction can be attributed to the erections that men may achieve. Some men may notice that they are starting to face a substantial number of issues related to their ED. If men want to sustain their erection over time, […]


9 Things You Ought To Know About Cold Sores.

Itching sensation on the face makes you feel irritated. Especially, when you have an important meeting or any special occasion to attend, right? Why it burns and itches you on the face? The real culprit is those fluid-filled blisters, what we called “Cold Sores”. Other names of cold sores: – […]


Ways to Stop and Reverse a Receding Hairline

Receding hairline is a great matter of concern to numerous people. It is the most common cause of embarrassment for many men and women. Like most other hair related problems, it is somehow dependent on inherited genes. In men, it is seen as an early sign of patterned baldness that […]


Overwhelmed by Stuff? Smart Decluttering Tips

Besides the most diligently organized and neat among us, most people have amassed quite a bit of ‘stuff' over the years that makes our homes look unattractive, and likely causes us a good degree of angst. There is always that intention to declutter, but it gets buried under the sense […]

Travel and living

Top tips for avoiding jet lag

For seasoned travellers, jet lag is an unpleasant but often unavoidable experience. It can cause disturbed sleep patterns, poor concentration, confusion, hunger at inappropriate times or lack of appetite,irritability, weakness and disorientation. It occurs when your normal body clock is disrupted by traveling through several time zones and experiences daylight at what […]


How to Have a Better Sex Life?

What man doesn’t want to not only be better at sex, but learn how to connect physically and emotionally with their partner? While it seems some men are born with a natural ability to satisfy their sexual partner, most find themselves fumbling through foreplay and questioning their abilities. This is […]