Search Results for "press harder"


Creating a Local SEO Campaign that Works

Local SEO is something that can do wonders for small local businesses that want to make an impression on their customers and find new ones, but don't have the budget for a full blown SEO campaign (although local SEO works best as addition to your SEO efforts). However, creating and […]


The ABCs of Buying an Used Vehicle

Are you willing to have your own vehicle but feeling concerned about your budget? Reliable and affordable used cars can be a suitable option for you to fulfil your desire of having your own car without breaking your pocket pinch. If you are a learner and want your own car, then […]


Basic Elements of an E-business Model

The emerging e-business market affords companies of all sizes and types the opportunity to leverage their existing assets, employees, technology infrastructure, and information to gain or maintain marketshare. For example, in the telecommunications industry, service, rather than technology, is now the key differentiator. With lower barriers to entry, new competitors […]


The Formal and Informal Aspects of Project Management

There are two main types of project management: formal and informal. Formal project management supposes generating of well-crafted plans and implementing them while informal management is concerned with coordination and motivation of staff to achieve general objectives Formal project management Formal project management involves strategic planning of projects, which is […]


High Touch or High Tech Marketing?

The key universal marketing strategy to guarantee success is…there is none. If there was one formula to follow then I think we would all know about it by now. However that's not to say there aren't tips and tricks to perfecting a strategy that works just right for you. Just […]

Elder care

Dealing with Mobility Loss in Retirement

Immobility, or a loss of mobility, is a frightening experience, but much more of a big deal is made about it that really should be. As a nation, we tend to think that immobility is a problem that cannot be solved. It’s seen as something inevitable. However, while mobility problems […]

Other stories

Famous Christmas Cookies Recipes

When it comes to the Christmas celebration, I am sure there will be many ideas running in your mind, not letting to have peace till the time you finalize your gifts, clothes, home decoration, guest list and most important menu for the Christmas night dinner. Nothing can increase your celebration […]