Search Results for "property owners"


The Basics of FHA Loans

FHA home loans are an excellent option for individuals seeking to purchase a home but have recently experienced some form of financial hardship. The FHA loan program is often a good fit for first-time homebuyers, as well as anyone who has recently filed for bankruptcy. As a form of federally […]


A Quick Guide to HVAC Do’s & Don’ts

The proper maintenance of the HVAC system is required to keep it running smoothly and provide you with efficient cooling. But we have seen lots of people doing the HVAC system maintenance at home to save a few dollars, but keep in mind, not doing HVAC maintenance properly will make […]


Plumbing Maintenance Checklist For Winter Months

Throughout the winter months, homeowners should be sure to take care of their plumbing. Proper maintenance of pipes can prevent serious plumbing problems later on. These tips can help you maintain the condition of your plumbing throughout the winter. The following are some common maintenance tasks that need to be […]

Home & family

7 Ways to Keep Your Home Secure

During the height of the pandemic last 2020, many of us thought that we would be cooped up in our homes for only a couple of weeks. In the course of a few months, crimes such as aggravated assaults and robberies in neighbourhoods lowered drastically. While it’s great that we […]