Search Results for "skin's barrier"


7 Benefits of Taking Care of your Gut

The term “gut” belongs to the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract, whose health is often measured by the quantity and variety of microorganisms, especially bacteria in your digestive and intestinal tract. The “gut microbiome” or “gut flora” is another name for the trillions of these microorganisms. Physical and mental well-being and […]


Can I Leave Cleansing Milk Overnight?

Ever reach for the comfort of cleansing milk at night, then wonder if it’s okay to skip rinsing and just snuggle in? We’ve all been there! Let’s unravel the milky mystery and explore the world of cleansing milk, from what it is to how to use it for a clean […]

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Is Sun Protection Cream Good For the Face?

In today’s fast-paced world, where skincare is becoming increasingly important, the debate surrounding the effectiveness of sun protection cream for the face continues to garner attention. With the rise in awareness about the harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin, many individuals are turning to sun protection cream as […]


Why Is Hydration the Key to Healthy Skin?

Hydration is critical for healthy skin because water comprises a large percentage of the skin’s structure. Skin cells need water to grow and shed properly. Without adequate water intake, skin can become dry, flaky, wrinkled, and irritated. Drinking enough water and using moisturizers helps the skin retain moisture and maintain […]


4 Natural Body Butter Options For Your Skin

Body butters are made with a blend of natural ingredients that can improve the health of your skin. Coconut oil is one of the most common ingredients, but some body butters are also made with other vegetable oils. All of these ingredients work together to improve the health of your […]


Skincare Tips for a Healthy, Glowing Complexion

Achieving a healthy, glowing complexion is a common desire for many people. While various factors can impact your skin’s appearance, such as genetics and environmental factors, implementing a consistent skincare routine can help you achieve the complexion of your dreams. This article will discuss top skincare tips to help you […]


How To Find The Best Moisturiser For Your Skin Type

While everyone should moisturise, not all moisturisers are made equal. In reality, the type of moisturiser you use–and how frequently–depends on whether you have sensitive, normal, dry, oily, or mixed skin. Don’t know what your skin type is? A few simple techniques to get to know your skin type better […]