Search Results for "Self-Employed"


How to Become Self-Employed in India

Many people who work from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. are dreaming of abandoning their jobs. The idea of self-employment crosses everyone’s mind at some point in their lives, but few people fulfil their aspirations. The pros outweigh the cons if you are willing to work hard. You can find […]


5 Arguments in Favor of Online Tax Payment

Every economy relies on a tax-based revenue structure, in which residents are required to pay taxes to the government as a source of income. By accepting these funds, the government provides the infrastructure that the general public uses. If we dig deep into the meaning and applications of the word […]


Learn About Paycheck Protection Program Loans

Before applying for a Paycheck Protection Program loan, you need to know how it works and how much you can borrow. You should also know about the maximum loan amount and qualification requirements. The Paycheck Protection Program is available for all sizes, and many small businesses are eligible for one. […]


5 Ways the Gig Economy is Misunderstood

What type of people do gig work? What is the work like? The gig economy is frequently shrouded in myth, with many of these misunderstandings becoming more prevalent during the COVID-19 lockdowns. Here is a closer look at the top five most common mistakes made about what the gig economy […]