Search Results for "surge damage"


Cosmetic Surgery: An Overview

By definition, plastic surgery means any procedure that involves the reconstruction or modification of the appearance or shape of a body part. The term comes from the Greek language – “plastikos”, which means modeling or changing the shape, marking the essence of this surgical specialty: sculpture, modeling, reconstruction. In general, the surgical […]


4 Different Types of Rhinoplasty Surgeries

Rhinoplasty or surgery for the nose can have two purposes, (1) functional purposes or to correct physiological complications that disrupt one’s ability for breathing properly, and (2) cosmetic purposes or to refine one’s nose shape for enhanced aesthetics. No matter what type of procedure you are planning to undergo, having […]


Can Stem Cell Therapy Repair Damaged Knees?

Lately in the United States, stem cell therapy is being praised as a wonder cure for everything from spinal repair to wrinkles. But only a few of these applications come with scientific backing. However, there has been some really promising studies done on stem cell therapy for knees. People develop […]


How Varicose Veins Laser Surgery Works

Varicose veins laser surgery is a popular treatment option because of its minimal invasiveness and high success rate. As a treatment option, it is a far-cry from previous methods known as ‘stripping’ whereby the problem blood vessels would be physically removed via highly invasive surgery. Modern treatments like EVLA (Endovenous […]


ACL Injuries and Surgery

Some people take initiative to live a healthy lifestyle and avoid injuries whenever possible. They stay hydrated, stretch before every workout and cool down appropriately. Despite all of the precautions, even the fittest person can experience a serious injury. All it can take is one misstep to turn an ankle, […]


Reasons Why Women Go For Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is a crucial yet an effective medical procedure. It’s mainly popular among women who want to enhance their look and confidence. This surgical treatment helps people to chuck out some birth features and find a new appearance. The surgery gives great results, whether you want to remove a […]


8 Ways to Look Younger without Surgery

Today’s society is obsessed with youth. Being young is associated with being hip, trendy, and up-to-date with the ever-changing digital landscape. Media often celebrates personalities who are under 40 or under 30 who have managed to build their own empire and reach success at an early age. These days, people […]

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A Closer Look at Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Periodontal diseases can range from a simple gum inflammation to serious conditions that can cause major damage to the gums or the bone that supports the teeth. It can even lead to tooth loss. Treatment may begin with simple behavioral changes while, in some cases, patients may require periodontal plastic […]


Pros And Cons of Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery

Anterior hip replacement surgery procedure is an excellent example of how medical research is continuously evolving & trying to improve results for patients. However, patients & surgeons in the meantime must utilize available knowledge so as to make informed choices. Potential Advantages of Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery Procedure Anterior hip […]