Search Results for "gleaned"


Ethics of Data Collection in the Age of IoT Devices

The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has led to an explosion of connected devices that collect user data. From fitness trackers to smart home assistants, IoT devices gather immense amounts of personal information. This data collection raises important ethical questions around privacy, consent, and data use. The Scale […]


Developing Outbound Sales Strategies

Outbound sales strategies are, in many ways, a cornerstone of the B2B landscape. Outbound sales is all about getting your name out there, forging great business relationships, and garnering new sales for your company. It is a tactical and hands on approach to selling, where your sales and marketing team […]

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The Science of Construction

When people think of science, they often envision a white-coated engineer, sequestered in a lab somewhere with bubbling beakers of brightly-colored solutions. Nearby, an assistant scribbles down pages and pages of data–all of it meaningless to the average person. But science is a far more hands-on field than that. The […]