Tag: blogging


Common Blogging Mistakes

Blogging is typically a rich and rewarding activity when it is done properly. Most people have a blog to share information with the world. However, many bloggers also want to make money by attracting new readers. This is where proper marketing techniques are a must. If all that motivates you is […]

Internet SEO

Successful Link Building Tips for Bloggers

With the advent of social media, blogging isn't all that it used to be, in the sense that the blogosphere has been largely taken over by professionals, or bloggers with a deeply entrenched interest in a certain niche. However, this is probably for the better, since it also opens a […]

Internet SEO

How to Write a Good and Effective Blog Post

While a good blog post will draw on a lot of resources, it should also be, in and of itself, a resource. Dictionary.com defines the word resource like this: Re-source: a source of supply, support, or aid especially one that can be readily drawn upon when needed. If you think about it, that […]

Internet Marketing SEO

How to Increase Blog Traffic

If there’s one thing that keeps bloggers up at night, it’s solving the mysteries of site traffic. There’s a reason, after all, we check the stats on our WordPress sites every five minutes, and it’s not just neuroticism (though that’s in there too). But with so many blogs out there […]


Common SEO Mistakes Made by Bloggers

There is no doubt that composing and publishing compelling Internet content in the form of blog posts can increase a business's profitability and brand recognition. However, many bloggers fail to identify the existence of problems that can hurt SEO efforts, reduce readership and harm the reputation of a business. The […]