Search Results for "federal government"


You Could Be in Trouble With the IRS

You may think that if you pay your taxes on time and complete them to the best of your knowledge, that you won’t have any trouble with the IRS. However, there are several situations that could lead to tax trouble and the need for a talented tax relief attorney. Innocent […]


Environmental Protection in Oil and Gas Industry

Before an oil company can start with construction, drilling or modification of onshore oil and gas production fields, it needs to obtain approvals from various government agencies. In addition to building and drilling permits, legal hurdles include air emissions, discharges to surface water systems, injection activities, impact on the threatened […]

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Is Smoking Cannabis and Driving Actually Dangerous?

Contrary to popular belief we have gotten a lot better at enjoying mind-altering substances responsibly. The older generations had much higher rates of drinking and driving for example. indicates that, “In 2017, the rate of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities per 100,000 population was 3.4, representing a 63% decrease since 1982, […]


Forex Trading Tools You Ought to know

Just as any profession goes hand-in-hand with the necessary tools, in order to become a successful forex trader, you need to equip yourself with the right tools. At the top of the list of these tools is the forex news economic calendar. What is the economic calendar? An economic calendar […]


10 Tips for Filing Your Taxes This Year

If you’re planning to file your own taxes this year, you’re not alone—research indicates around 33 percent of Americans take charge and file their own taxes every year. As you prepare to file your return, there are several things to keep in mind. Use the following tips to make this […]