Search Results for "cryptocurrency"


Property settlement in high net worth divorce cases

High net worth divorce cases are those which involve assets and property with a very high value, sometimes exceeding even 100 million dollars. Divorce and separation cases can get messy. Adding to that, if the divorce involves property and assets with high monetary value, the parties involved might find the […]


A Guide on How You Can Secure an Instant Crypto Loan

Crypto technology has opened up a broad avenue of financial possibilities. Back in 2008 when Bitcoin was launched, most people thought it was a scam. However, fast forward a decade-plus later, and Bitcoin is flying high and there are a bunch of other successful crypto coins on the market. Nowadays, […]


A Brief History of Dogecoin

Dogecoin, sometimes called a ‘meme currency,’ has recently been throw about due to figures like Elon Musk talking openly about buying and selling it. But what is it, and why the picture of the dog? To answer this, we need to go far, far back – further than a lot […]


Why is Crypto Gambling Becoming Popular?

Gambling companies continue to provide the best gambling experience to their players. Because of this, online gambling operators ensure they incorporate the latest technologies into their platforms, including cryptocurrency. There are also online platforms exclusive to crypto gambling. Reputable gambling sites and the best bitcoin casino are now accepting many […]


How Will Filing 2020 Taxes Be Different for Crypto Traders

Though cryptocurrency has been around for many years now, it’s still considered new in the investment market. The cryptocurrency market rapidly expands and evolves, making it difficult for outsiders, cryptocurrency miners, and investors alike to understand and monitor. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) first acknowledged virtual currency taxation in […]


Investing in Blockchain Assets

With the advent of decentralized exchanges such as NXT, Uniswap and trading brokers such as ETFinance, many new investments have become available, offering the potential for huge gains for the sophisticated investor. Unfortunately, though, with the potential for great returns you will inevitably have great risk. These assets are, by […]


5 Hot Technologies for 2020

We are approaching fall and the year will soon come to an end – just as technological trends come and go. Come 2020, some of today’s trends may fade away, while some other trends that went unnoticed until now could jump into the spotlight. It’s hard to tell what’s going […]


Smaller Cryptocurrencies Are Gaining Momentum

While the majority of people will have heard of Bitcoin, the behemoth of cryptocurrency, lesser known cryptocurrencies such as Neo, Ripple and Ethereum may not be on many people’s radar. It’s worth being aware of how to buy Neo and other smaller cryptocurrencies though. Here’s an update on why… Neo […]